Profile of Alumni

An important objective of the Graduate Program in Humanities, Rights and Other Legitimacies, linked to the Faculty of Philosophy, Languages, Literature and Human Sciences (FFLCH) at the University of São Paulo, is the complete training of graduates in research and teaching. In this context, the program's graduates are expected to be individuals able

  • to contribute to higher education and research with regard to interdisciplinary studies;
  • to act in public and private, national and international teaching and research institutions;
  • to be a creative professional who seeks solutions to theoretical and practical problems of everyday life, having in mind a worldview that understands reality in its historicity, problematizing and questioning universal and absolute truths;
  • to be an agent and transforming subject iwhen it comes to working with societies and cultures, inserting themselves in institutional debates and acting against racism, xenophobia, LGBTQIA+phobia, and sexism, among other oppressions.

With this profile, it is the objective of the Program that its graduates act as protagonists in the social space, promoting the study of and always trying to discuss and contest, also in the scope of their work space, the many and diverse forms of oppression that still integrate the reality of Brazilian society. This work can be, increasingly, consolidated to the extent that graduates of the Program act as teacher-researchers in universities and schools in Brazil and abroad.

The teaching and research activities of the Program are deeply intertwined, allowing students a systematic interaction with the activities developed in the PPGHDL, to the extent that they participate in research groups, enroll in courses recommended by their advisors inside and outside the Program, develop individual projects at the same time as they are enrolled in collective projects arising from the research groups of the Program, participate and coordinate systematic study meetings, participate in teaching internships with undergraduates through the Program for the Improvement of Teaching (PAE) of USP. They are systematically encouraged to participate in events of the Program, of other Programs at USP and other HEI's in Brazil and abroad, to publish in reference journals, to publish book chapters, as well as to organize book collections with the faculty of the Program.
They are also encouraged to reflect on the conditions of Brazilian educational policy, perceiving the reality of Basic Education in the country and the possibilities of insertion in the public networks of the Brazilian states.

Postgraduates in Humanities, Rights and Other Legitimities conduct their research, organize and participate in events, publish results of their research, and remain in contact with undergraduates through the

Improvement of Teaching at USP and the research groups that count on undergraduate students developing scientific initiation research.

It is worth mentioning that the students are integrated in the Post-Graduation Coordinating Commission (CCP) and in the Organizing Commissions of Seminars and Congresses organized by the PPGHDL, participating in the monthly CCP meetings and actively participating in the academic management.